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Dear Campus Community,

Thanks again to everyone who has contributed to our Middle States Commission on Higher Education Self-Study process since fall 2019 by serving on the steering committee or one of our five subcommittees, or by attending an open session to review the drafts and/or by contributing narrative or evidence to the draft Self-Study report. We greatly appreciate your efforts!

This Monday, October 25, we will host (virtually) our Middle States Self-Study Team Chair Dr. Daniel Wubah, President of Millersville University for a day-long visit that will include meetings with President Stanley, Provost Furlong and the other steering committee members, our College Council Chair and another College Council member, and also tours of our main campus, Syracuse Campus and Rice Creek. 

The visit will also include an open session for all steering and subcommittee members and any other interested faculty members, staff and students from 2-2:45 p.m. This open session will include more information on our Self-Study process as we prepare for our spring 2022 Self-Study visit, which is currently scheduled for March 6-9, 2022. 

If you would like to attend this open session (via Zoom), please register here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Lastly, if you have not already done so, please visit our Self-Study website for the current draft of the Self-Study report, a current listing of all steering and subcommittee members, and meetings held to date.

Thank you,

Kristi Eck and Rick Back, Self-Study Co-Chairs