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I am very pleased to welcome Dr. Murat Yasar as the incoming associate dean in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences beginning July 1. From now until July, Murat will be serving as CLAS Dean Fellow where he will be taking a leadership role in several initiatives in the Dean’s Office.

He succeeds Dr. Patricia Clark who has admirably served as both Associate Dean and Interim Dean of CLAS, and now plans to return to the classroom as a full-time member of the faculty this fall following a productive and well-earned sabbatical this semester.

Murat joined SUNY Oswego in 2013 and is currently an associate professor in the Department of History. In addition to his expertise in his field of Ottoman history, Murat has distinguished himself through his dedication to collaborative service on campus, serving on more than 25 campus-wide and departmental committees and as a faculty mentor at Hart Hall, where he developed the Hart Hall Language Exchange Program. 

As a proponent of interdisciplinary programs, he has contributed to the development of interdisciplinary collaborative initiatives including in digital humanities, the CLAS Collaboratory, and the Integrative Professional Studies development group. 

In his role as associate dean, he will work with the CLAS dean to oversee academic assessment and faculty activities such as research initiatives, new program development, collaborative academic programs, and faculty development.

Please join me in welcoming Murat to the CLAS Dean’s office!


Kristin Croyle
Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences