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The Sigma Pi chapter of Lambda Pi Eta, the national communication honor society, inducted four new members in all 2023. These members are:

- Katie Karlen, public relations, Class of 2025
- Emily Cornell, communication, Class of 2024
- Lethe White, broadcasting and mass communication, Class of 2024
- Tina Cooper, strategic communication master's degree program

Membership in Lambda Pi Eta is open to qualified students majoring or minoring in communication and journalism, majoring in broadcasting and mass communication or public relations, or enrolled in the strategic communication master's program.

Undergraduate students must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA, a 3.25 major/minor GPA in their in-discipline program, and have 60 credit hours completed, with a minimum of 12 credit hours in communication coursework completed, to qualify.

Graduate students must have a 3.5 cumulative GPA and a minimum of 12 credit hours in communication coursework completed in the strategic communication master's degree.

Applications for spring admission are now open: Prospective members apply, have their information verified and then receive an invitation for admission. Members accepting this offer of admission pay a one-time lifetime membership fee of $65 and receive honors cords to wear at graduation, a customized membership certificate and a pin. The honor society hosts an annual spring ceremony to honor and recognize all members and their academic achievements.

If you are interested in joining Lambda Pi Eta or have questions, contact Lambda Pi Eta chapter advisor Andrea Vickery, The spring 2024 application deadline is Feb. 15.

-- Submitted by the Sigma Pi chapter of Lambda Pi Eta