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On Aug. 21, the Automatic Zero for Missing Submissions setting was enabled. The feature allows faculty to enable it within your course. This feature automatically assigns a zero to students who have not submitted their work for a particular assignment by the designated deadline.

How does it work?

  1. Setting the deadline: Instructors can specify each assignment's due date and time.
  2. Automatic grading: Once the deadline passes, Brightspace will automatically review the submission status of all students.
  3. Assigning zeros: Students who have not submitted their assignments by the deadline will be automatically assigned a zero for that particular task.

Benefits of Automatic Zero

  • Efficiency: It saves instructors time by automating the grading process for missing assignments.
  • Fairness: It ensures that all students are treated equally and held accountable for meeting deadlines.
  • Late submissions: Faculty can easily override the automatic zero grade.
  • Organization: It helps maintain a clear and organized grading system.

If you have any questions, please contact the Campus Technology Services (CTS) Help Desk.

-- Submitted by the Digital Learning Environment Team
Kathi Dutton
Theresa Gilliard-Cook
Douglas Hemphill

Carrie Mocyk
Greg Ketcham
Sean Moriarty
Rameen Mohammadi
Nicole Decker
Jill Pippin