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To all members of the SUNY Oswego community,

Information regarding sexual and interpersonal violence prevention, education and response is located on the Title IX website

What is Title IX?

Title IX is the federal anti-discrimination law that states: "No person in the U.S. shall, on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal aid." (Title IX 1972 Education Amendments). 

The college prohibits sex discrimination, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, domestic violence, dating violence or any form of interpersonal violence and encourages reporting so that the college can investigate (if applicable) and offer support services.  Our Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Response Policy includes the requirements of Article 129B (Enough is Enough), the Clery Act and the Violence Against Women Act. Our Title IX Grievance Policy includes the requirements for the updated Title IX regulations. Both policies are located on the Title IX policies website.  You can find brief descriptions about the laws on the Title IX definitions page.

What does the Title IX coordinator do?

The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for sexual and interpersonal violence prevention and response, including coordinating compliance within all areas and departments of the College. The Title IX Coordinator provides ongoing training, consultation, and technical assistance on Title IX (and related laws) for students and employees. Title IX Investigators assist the Title IX Coordinator by investigating cases of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault/violence, stalking, dating violence and domestic violence.

How do I report a violation?

Contact Title IX Coordinator Lisa Evaneski via private email (preferred) or 315-312-5604 (private voicemail). You may also contact the police in the jurisdiction where it happened. Visit the Title IX reporting web page for more information and additional options for reporting. Student organizations are not authorized to take reports or manage any aspects of Title IX cases. 

Where can I find 24-hour and confidential resources?

Services to Aid Families is the only certified rape crisis and domestic/dating violence center in Oswego County. The 24-hour confidential hotline is 315-342-1600. SUNY also developed an online resource to help you find services all over New York and on our campus. This online This online resource is also on Oswego's main Title IX page.

What are my rights?

Both reporting individual (victim/survivor) and accused/respondents rights are outlined in the policies. The Students Bill of Rights (a requirement of Article 129B) is located on our website. 

How can I get involved?

Our prevention education programs are shared online. Follow @ItsOnOz on Facebook, Instagram, LakerLife and Twitter where you can learn more about our campaigns and workshops.

How can I learn more?

Choose a workshop from our list on the registration form; more in-person sessions will be added as we go. New this year: SPARC (Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Response Course) for students and employees and RAPID (Responsibility Authority Proficiency in Incident Disclosure) for all mandated reporters.  

Give us feedback

We'd like your opinion on how we can improve the effectiveness of our campus policies and procedures that address sexual and interpersonal violence. We encourage any member of the college community to share suggestions and/or feedback by making an appointment with Lisa Evaneski, Title IX Coordinator, by calling 315-312-5604 or send your feedback via email: You can also send feedback by filling out a Title IX feedback form.

-- Submitted by the Title IX Office