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The college's Office of Sustainability sponors Sustainability Week, Oct. 21 through Oct. 25, to discuss implementing sustainable practices, with a message of thinking locally and acting globally.

Activities will include:

  • Sustainability Week’s TranspoTuesday encourages using a carpool, bus, bike or walking to classes. Campus community members can find more information on sustainable transportation at the Office of Sustainability's table in Marano Campus Center from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Ebikes also will be on display.
  • Organizers present Sustainability Week’s "Politics for A Sustainable Future" on Wednesday. The Office of Sustainability's table in Marano Campus Center from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. will offer more information about sustainable politics. At 7 p.m., organizers will host a screening of "Before The Flood" in 174 Shineman Center.
  • Sustainability Week’s Plant Power grows on Thursday. The campus community can stop by the Office of Sustainability's table between Marano Campus Center and the Shineman Center to learn more about plant-based eating on campus and shopping local. 
  • Friday will feature Sustainability Week’s Pop-Up Thrift Shop. From 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. in Marano Campus Center, the Office of Sustainability will host this opportunity for bargains, as well as information on thrift and sustainable fashion.
For more information on the week or other sustainable activities, visit the Office of Sustainability's website.