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To expand access and support student success, Penfield Library now offers longer loan periods for laptops for students. Week-long loans of laptops and Macbooks as well as three-hour loans (in-library use only) for Chromebooks are now available to all students.

A limited number of laptops and Macbooks are available to students for a semester-length loan period. Due to the limited number available, semester-length loans require approval from the Office of the Dean of Students. To take advantage of these laptops, students should contact the Office of the Dean of Students directly to say they are interested in a semester-length loan laptop from Penfield. Once approved, students can pick up their laptop or Macbook at Penfield Library.

Students will be prioritized in this program. In lower student demand times, faculty and staff may be able to borrow the equipment if there is available equipment. Contact Penfield Library Check-Out desk.

When picking up a laptop from Penfield, please allow five to 10 minutes to check the item out, to allow Penfield staff to prepare the laptop for your use.

-- Submitted by Penfield Library