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As the end of the semester gets closer, the survey campaign in AEFIS (the Assessment, Evaluation, Feedback and Intervention System) for the Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) is underway. Here are a few important items you need to know.

  • Department chairs and deans: if you plan on making any changes to your survey in AEFIS, please do so by Monday, April 10. 
  • All faculty in departments that are using AEFIS for SET will receive an email on Monday, April 17, to remind them that surveys will be sent out on Monday, April 24, and some best practices to increase student survey participation.
  • Surveys will be opened and students will be emailed Monday, April 24, with a link to AEFIS to complete their course evaluations. Reminder emails will be sent every two days after the initial one is sent if they have not completed all of their assigned surveys.
  • Surveys will close on the last day of classes, Friday, May 5, at 11:59 p.m. Survey data will be immediately available for department chairs, deans and administrative assistants.
  • Survey data will be available for faculty to view on Friday, May 26. Reminder emails will be sent.

Campus Technology Services plans on revising the communications to include more information such as usage policies and links to documentation. Hopefully, this will facilitate a better experience for faculty and students. You also will find a widget on the home page in Brightspace that will direct students to take their surveys. It will not be visible until surveys are opened on April 24. 

If you have any questions, please email or visit the SET webpage for more information.

-- Submitted by Campus Technology Services