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Dear SUNY Oswego colleagues:

Reginald BraggsReginald Braggs

The Division of Extended Learning is pleased to announce that Reginald (Reg) Braggs has joined the SUNY Oswego family as director of our Syracuse campus.   

Reg has worked for a number of years in higher education as a faculty member and administrator, teaching classes in university business schools nationally and internationally. He also completed two years as an online business course instructor. As an administrator, he has served as an assistant dean of a school of business, director of an entrepreneurship center, and dean of students at a university as well as at a K – 12 school. Prior to joining SUNY Oswego, he was working at the American University of Nigeria as assistant vice president for foundation programs, leading the Chibok Girls Education Initiative. The Initiative was designed to help the “girls” (who had been kidnapped by a terrorist group) achieve their goals to matriculate into bachelor degree programs in arts and sciences, business, computer science and law. Reg also served his country as a U.S. diplomat and naval officer. He is a Salzburg Global Fellow engaged in developing concepts and conducting research in social emotional and action learning as well as integrating academic and student affairs philosophies to enhance student success. 

Reg will work closely with colleagues on the Oswego campus as well as at our Syracuse campus, focused on the mission to continue to provide and expand on opportunities for adult (non-traditional) learners to attain bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, micro-credentials and more. He will also be actively engaged with external stakeholders as we continue SUNY Oswego’s vision of expanding the Syracuse campus’ community engagement.   

Reg is enthusiastic and excited about his new role and has already begun coordinating with several staff members, albeit virtually due to the current directives on social distancing. He is an avid sports fan and enjoys playing basketball, football and tennis. He is a Los Angeles Lakers fan so he fits right in as a SUNY Oswego Laker as well.

Please join me in welcoming Reg to the SUNY Oswego team.

Jill Pippin
Dean for Extended Learning