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With the start of the spring semester, residential students and students taking classes on campus are reminded to complete the Medicat Health Check on a daily basis. Employees who are working on campus are also required to complete a daily health screen, accessible via the employee screening app on the Oswego Forward website. Please be aware that student employees and GA's fall under the student daily health screen process, not the employee process.  

Requiring all members of our campus community to complete daily screenings will assist us in managing the virus and monitoring the health of all Lakers. It is an integral part of the Oswego "Spring Forward" Pledge in which you agreed to be mindful of your actions and how they affect the lives of others, and pledged to “complete SUNY Oswego’s online daily COVID-19 screening form before leaving my residence (on or off-campus) each day I intend to come to campus.”

Here’s how it works:

  • Students and employees will log into their respective daily health screens (as noted above) with their Laker NetID for identification. Health screens will be dated and time-stamped to assist with tracking and tracing. To ensure that this health information remains protected, personal health data will not be stored. The daily health screening questions will be updated accordingly as required by the Center for Disease Control and/or per New York State guidelines.

  • Students who have completed their daily screening and answered negative to all questions will receive a large GREEN DOT on their screen in Medicat. Please retain this result as you will be asked to show this GREEN DOT confirmation prior to the start of your face-to-face classes, and to gain access to dining halls and Penfield Library.

    NOTE: Faculty are encouraged to request students to show the results of their health check before class starts each day.  Staff in the dining halls and the library will also be checking to ensure daily health screening compliance.  The process can be as simple as asking students to hold up their phone and show that they have received a “GREEN DOT.

  • If students do not answer the daily screening with negative responses, they will be marked as positive and their screen will show a RED DOT. If a student does have a RED DOT, they should be directed to Health Services immediately. They can contact health services at 315-312-4100. The other possibility is that the student may have a GREY DOT. If a student has a GREY DOT, they have not completed the daily health check. In this case, the student should be directed to complete the health check, and the appropriate action should be taken depending on the results of their response.

For more information on health and safety protocols for the spring semester, visit the Oswego Forward website.

Alex Griffin demonstrating a green dot showing he has completed his daily health screening

Waterbury Hall resident assistant Alex Griffin shows off the green dot denoting he has performed his daily health screening.