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The Scholarly and Creative Activity Committee and the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs awarded more than $30,000 in support of faculty and student research at the end of the fall semester. Applications for the next round of the Faculty Scholarly and Creative Activity Grants and for Faculty-Student Challenge Grants are due Monday, Feb. 17.

For the Faculty Scholarly and Creative Activity Grants, nine of 17 fall submissions were funded, with a total of $23,863 awarded.

  • Neural Mechanisms of Visual Imagery and Visual Working Memory in Aphantasia
    Sien Hu and Theo Rhodes, Psychology 
  • Perestroika: The Last Attempt to Create the New Soviet Person
    Courtney Doucette, History 
  • Recording Sessions for Two Original Compositions for ACE Composers II
    Eric Schmitz, Music 
  • Augmented Reality Technologies for Cultural Heritage Applications
    Damian Schofield, Computer Science 
  • Orion Environmental Writers Workshop
    Laura Donnelly, English and Creative Writing 
  • Analysis of Diphenhydramine and N-desmethyldiphenhydramine in Urine Using Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction (DLLME) and Gas Chromatography-Mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
    Shokouh Haddadi, Chemistry 
  • Precision Atomic Structure Measurement of Rubidium Using Laser Spectroscopy
    Priyanka Rupasinghe, Physics 
  • New and Emerging Global Indigenous Solidarities
    Micah F. Morton, Anthropology 
  • Documenting Apartheid’s Architecture and Design: Gille de Vlieg, Anna Ziemensky, and Deseni Moodliar-Soobben’s Photography
    M. Neelika Jayawardane, English and Creative Writing

Student grants

In addition, eight student proposals recevied Student Scholarly and Creative Activity Grants for the fall round, for a total of $6,929.08.

  • Quantifying the relative importance of intracellular and extracellular DNA while conducting an environmental DNA survey
    Student: Sydney Waloven
    Sponsor: Nicholas Sard, Biological Sciences 
  • Biochemical Analysis of Browning Activities in Apples
    Student: Christian DiBiase
    Sponsor: Poongodi Geetha-Loganathan, Biological Sciences 
  • Extracting genomic DNAs to be used as a tool for bog turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) conservation effort
    Student: Lillian Pavord
    Sponsor: Nicholas Sard, Biological Sciences
  • Utility of eye tracking in the investigation of speech perception in children
    Student: Gabi DeAngelo
    Sponsor: Leigh Bacher, Psychology 
  • Inexpensive, easy-to-build electroporation device for genetic modification of social amoeba.
    Student: Ali Khan
    Sponsor: David Dunn and Yulia Artemenko, Biological Sciences 
  • A Comparative Study of Eggshells of Passeriformes Birds
    Student: Muhammadzohir Hidoyatov
    Sponsor: Poongodi Geetha-Loganathan, Biological Sciences 
  • Microwave-Assisted Metal Catalyzed Nitrile Hydration to Amides in Water
    Student: Hannah Vail
    Sponsor: Whalmany Ounkham, Chemistry 
  • The Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of Water-soluble Ruthenium Complexes for Nitrile Hydrations
    Students: Morgan Wolanin and Dakota Jackson
    Faculty Sponsor: Whalmany Ounkham, Chemistry