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The annual Sportsmanship Day Symposium, scheduled for Thursday, March 2, seeks presenters to help convey a multidisciplinary look at sportsmanship (or sportspersonship) in the 2023 edition.

Co-sponsored by SUNY Oswego's sports studies program and the Sociology Department, the symposium will take place from 2:20 to 5:15 p.m. on March 2. Participants give an approximate 12-minute presentation on a story/event that involves sportsmanship, whether good or poor.

"Sportsmanship is really about civil behavior, so any behavior that displays good character or poor character could be a topic to fall within the realm of the parameters of the symposium," said sociology professor Tim Delaney, who founded the conference at SUNY Oswego and continues to organize it.

For more information, email Delaney via