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SUNY Oswego has kicked off its 2020 State Employees Federated Appeal (SEFA)/United Way campaign. This year's campaign looks and feels different due to COVID-19, but the desperate need of the many organizations SEFA supports remains the same. That’s why our committee has once again set an ambitious fundraising goal of $30,000.

Even though we cannot all be physically together on campus, we can still team up together to make our campus campaign as impactful as possible. Most of the committee’s activity will be virtual. When possible to do so in a safe and responsible way, we may host some of our most popular fundraisers on campus. The biggest impact YOU can make is through a biweekly or one-time pledge. And remember, you can designate your pledge to organizations you are passionate about by selecting from one of the many agencies in the SEFA charity book. All pledge materials are available on our website, and we encourage everyone to utilize E-pledge to alleviate the handling of paper forms. When selecting your division on the E-Pledge site, be sure to choose the radio button for “Oswego – 28230” (887 – Central NY campaign area).

Our committee looks forward to working with you to assist the many charities that benefit from the SEFA campaign, especially those right here in CNY who provide crucial services to the local community. The United Way of Greater Oswego County, Peaceful Remedies, Oswego County Opportunities, the Salvation Army, the American Red Cross and so many others answered the call during this pandemic. They need our support now more than ever, and every donation, every dollar is appreciated. Together, let’s make an impact. Together, let’s team up to be “SEFA Strong and New York Tough.”

Ready to make a difference? Visit the SEFA E-Pledge page and make your donation today! Just a reminder that if you increase your donation by as little as $1/week ($52 annually) you’ll be eligible for the regional Step Up Challenge where you could win weekly prizes valued at $50 to 100, as well as quarterly drawings for big ticket items like a $3,000 debit card.

Our committee will be in contact throughout the campaign, updating you on our progress and sharing meaningful stories via our campaign page. We also encourage you to visit the SEFA Facebook page to see what our colleagues are doing across the state. In the interim, if you have questions on pledging, upcoming fundraisers, the Step Up Challenge, or just want to learn more about SEFA, contact any of the committee members below or your building representative.


Your SEFA Planning Committee

Mallory Bower
Nancy Concadoro
Mark Digby
Angela Galvin (campaign co-Chair)
Bob Hageny
Kristen Haynes
Christy Huynh
Cathy Johnston
Fabio Machado
Tim Nekritz
Madeline Osborn
Mary Ann Perry
Austin Reda
Erika Roney
Michelle Sloan
Mary Toale (campaign co-Chair)
Michelle Turner