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The SUNY Oswego SEFA Committee is proud to announce a partnership with the Oswego Bookmobile to launch the first ever children’s book drive.

The effort invites campus and community members to donate new and like-new books for children ages 3 to 18. The book drive will run from now through May 10.

Collection boxes can be found at the SUNY Oswego campus, Oswego Elks Lodge, Oswego YMCA and the River’s End Bookstore. If you prefer, you may select a book and place a direct order from the Bookmobile wishlist through the River’s End Bookstore in Oswego or  via Amazon

If you are not sure which book to choose, monetary donations are also accepted online through the college's secure CashNet site. The donations will allow the Oswego Bookmobile to directly purchase books to distribute. The Oswego Bookmobile provides books free of charge to children in our community during the summer months to support and encourage reading.

If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Concadoro ( or Shelly Sloan (

Visit the SUNY Oswego SEFA website to learn more about SEFA and how it supports community causes.

Book drop at Oswego YMCA soliciting donations for the SEFA book drive supporting the Oswego Bookmobile

The book drop at Oswego YMCA solicits donations for the SEFA book drive supporting the Oswego Bookmobile. You also can find boxes around campus, Oswego Elks Lodge and the River’s End Bookstore.