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Senior broadcasting major and Office of Communications and Marketing intern Zachary Nusimow is leading an effort to interview 100 SUNY Oswego students (freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors) to be a part of a small YouTube series. 

Each class will have their own video and each class will have a different question to answer based on their year.
Selected students will come in on one of the filming days to the Al Roker Studio in Marano Campus Center and give an answer to one of the questions below. Responses to the question should be no longer than one minute long, and filming should take no more than three minutes of their time. 
Questions that would be asked of students include: 
  • What are some goals you have for yourself at SUNY Oswego? 
  • Why did you choose to attend SUNY Oswego?
  • What advice would you give yourself before attending SUNY Oswego?
  • Favorite memory of Oswego?
Participants should bring their student I.D. when they come on filming day for easy check-in.

If you are interested, please fill out all of the information in this Google form and keep an eye out for a future email with filming dates and times.