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SHOP (Students Helping Oz Peers) recently received a $500 donation from the Oswego Elks Lodge to support the on-campus food, toiletries and clothing pantry.

"We wanted to thank them for their donation and for everyone else who has donated to SHOP this semester," said student SHOP coordinator Ezra Wingard. "It is greatly appreciated that others are so generous as to donate to SHOP so that we can continue to provide services to students, faculty and staff who are in need and struggling with food insecurity. SHOP would not be the same without SUNY Oswego and our community's support!"

One key SHOP activity this week is their Professional Clothing Giveaway from noon to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 15, in 133 Marano Campus Center. The event will support students, faculty and staff in need of business attire.

SHOP also would like to remind SUNY Oswego's community that they are still accepting donations of food, toiletry and professional/winter clothing while the semester is still ongoing. Visit the SHOP website for things that they do and do not accept before donating, as well as to learn more about SHOP's services.

-- Submitted by Students Helping Oz Peers

Representatives of SUNY Oswego and Students Helping Oz Peers thank representatives of the Elks Club of Oswego for their donation

Representatives of SUNY Oswego and Students Helping Oz Peers thank representatives of the Oswego Elks Lodge for their donation.