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For its weekly themed Sounds of Summer Playlist, Extended Learning wants to know about what music from around the world you enjoy.

The playlist's weekly theme ties in with "Global Tones - Introduction to World Music," which is among the offerings of Summer Sessions 2021. This course explains the music of primarily non-Western cultures through the development of their musical instruments and sounds. Students will discover the intrinsic connection between a culture -- its religion, politics, economics, etc. -- and the music it makes.

Reggae? Merengue? K-Pop? Bhajan?  Samba? What song makes you want to explore the world? Let Extended Learning know what song is on your summer 2021 “Explore The World” playlist today to enter to win a SUNY Oswego T-shirt, and your entry may be added to the SUNY Oswego Sounds of Summer playlist.

Submit your entry at, where you can also learn about the college’s Summer Sessions course offerings.