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SUNY Oswego is excited to announce that Phase I renovations of The Space in Marano Campus Center have been completed and it will be available to reserve, starting on Monday, Feb. 5, 2024.

Underutilized for the past couple of years, this location has been reconfigured and re-envisioned as a multi-use space. While it may still be used for small events through Campus Events and Conference Services reservations, its main function is to provide a relaxed and comfortable hangout space to individual students, student groups and student organizations as they work collaboratively on academic and personal projects and passions. 

Easy access to important campus resources such as counseling resources, financial aid, career guidance and academic advising will be provided on-site at posted and predictable times. 

When not reserved for an event, it will be open from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. for general use with an Oswego ID. The new space can be accessed via the Marano Campus Center elevators, past the Swetman Gymnasium, or via the outside entrance located at the back of the building.

This newly renovated space will allow students to engage in social activities, programming, access support services and interact with faculty and staff in a comfortable and informal setting.   

Amenities include soft seating, charging stations, A/V connectivity and all-gender restrooms, as well as food and beverage options. 

Based on student feedback, the ongoing renovation process offers an opportunity to rename “The Space.” To start the renaming process, the university wants to hear from you. 

At the Spring Student Involvement Fair from 4 to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 31 in Swetman Gymnasium, attendees can find notecards and a drop box located at the Student Engagement and Leadership table just outside the gym. Please write your suggestions for renaming “The Space” on a notecard and drop them in the box. 

If you’d like to submit a renaming suggestion electronically, please complete this Google form by Monday, March 4, 2024.

Once all suggestions for renaming have been collected, the university will take the top 10 suggestions to campus leadership who will choose the top three. The top three will be revealed to students, and your votes will decide the new name.

-- Submitted by the Division of Student Affairs