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The campus community is invited to nominate students to become first-year Success Coaches in fall 2022 via this online nomination form.

Coaches will help incoming students as they are transitioning from high school to college. They will be responsible for meeting with students in a variety of settings to help them navigate the campus, make healthy choices and build lasting relationships.

Please consider recommending students who have overcome challenges during their time at Oswego and have demonstrated significant growth.

Selected students will earn three credit hours for coaching during the fall semester. Students have their choice of enrolling in a "Wellness Coaching Practicum'' or they can use this as an internship experience if approved by their academic department. As part of their training, coaches will learn about student development theories and will practice motivational interviewing, helping and coaching techniques.

This opportunity is great for students interested in counseling, wellness management, financial advising, healthcare, teaching, management or sustainability, or anyone who has a passion for helping others.

Coaches must be in good standing and have 30+ earned credit hours by the start of the fall semester. You can submit via the online nomination form or view the application and full description on Handshake.