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The annual Student Survey on Attitudes Towards Technology (SSATT), administered by a graduate student class, seeks to examine attitudes that SUNY Oswego freshman and seniors have toward technology.

The survey probes such questions as: Do you use the internet to check up on someone you have dated? Do you lose focus in class because you are checking your phone? Have you started taking more online classes after the pandemic?

Graduate strategic communication students in the COM 524 class (Special Topics in Integrated Media Design) conduct the study, asking freshmen and seniors for help in answering 32 questions like the ones above. The survey should only take about 12 minutes to complete, and participants will have the opportunity to enter to win a $50 Amazon gift card.

Follow this link to the survey. Participation is completely voluntary, and responses will not be used in a manner which would allow individual identification.

If you have any questions, please contact communication studies professor Ulises Mejias (

-- Submitted by the COM 524 class