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Dear Faculty, Staff and Students,

I am pleased to share the news that two candidates for the Vice President for Enrollment Management (VPEM) position will visit our campus later this month (on February 15 and February 17) for a full day of interviews. Each candidate will also be presenting to the SUNY Oswego community at an Open Forum (in-person and via Zoom) to be held from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. on the day of their visit.  

Resumes, letters of interest, and additional candidate information will be posted to a “Meet the VPEM Candidates” website 24 hours prior to each candidate's visit. In addition, a survey link for submitting candidate evaluations will be posted at 8:30 a.m. the morning of each candidate’s visit, and it will close the following day at 5 p.m. A valid LakerNet ID and password are required to view the materials on this website.  

Reminders for each candidate’s visit and notification that their materials have been posted to the “Meet the VPEM Candidates” website will be communicated via an all-campus announcement one day prior to each visit.

Thank you for marking your calendars. We value your participation and input, and look forward to introducing you to the two VPEM candidates next week. The position description for SUNY Oswego's Vice President for Enrollment Management can be found at this link.


Wayne A. Westervelt
VPEM Search Committee Chair
Chief Communication Officer