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The National Day of Racial Healing takes place annually on the day after Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The observance grows year after year as people work to create connections and share a sense of belonging.

Taking place on Jan. 17 this year, the National Day of Racial Healing is a time to contemplate shared values and create the blueprint together for #HowWeHeal from the effects of racism.

Launched on Jan. 17, 2017, it is an opportunity to bring all people together in their common humanity and inspire collective action to create a more just and equitable world.

This annual observance is hosted by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF) and was created with and builds on the work and learnings of the Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation (TRHT) community partners, including SUNY Oswego, recently named a Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation Campus Center.

The Triandiflou Institute would like to share a few events and resources to support our campus in doing the work that leads to community, organizational and systems transformation.

On Tuesday, Jan. 17, at 7 p.m., the CNY Community Foundation, in partnership with three other regional community foundations, is hosting a virtual event featuring author and economist Heather McGhee. Her bestseller, "The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper," is a look at the true cost of racism –- not just for people of color, but for everyone. Attendees are asked to use this link to pre-register for this webinar-style event.  

On Wednesday, Jan. 25, from noon to 2 p.m., the Institute (on the second floor of Penfield Library) will host a viewing Dr. Cornel West speaking about the purpose and function of solidarity, racial healin, and social transformation.

Through a moderated discussion, the renowned educator will offer wisdom and poignant commentary on the need to galvanize for rooting solidarity and collaboration in the daily practice of peace building and racial justice work. There will be light refreshments and time for reflection and discussion. 

Those unable to stop by the Institute, but would still like to view the event, can use this link to pre-register for the event

Read more about the National Day of Racial Healing and the work of TRHT community partners.

-- Submitted by the James A. Triandiflou ‘88 Institute for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Transformative Practice