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The English and creative writing department recently announced recipients of its annual Creative Writing Awards for top student submissions across genres.

The recognition normally takes place during Quest, but with the annual celebration of scholarly and creative activity heading online this year, the department announced the awards early and passed along praise to all participants. Organizers are working on creating a virtual award ceremony to take place sometime in April.

"I’m proud of everyone who submitted to this year’s awards," said Laura Donnelly, interim director of the creative writing program. "It takes guts, vulnerability, practice and a wealth of creativity, all of which are at the heart of what we do as writers."

Winners are:

The Academy of American Poets Prize 
Winner: Madeline Weisbeck for "Les Ingénus"
Honorable mention: Erin Newell for "Starless"

The Lewis Turco Formal Poetry Award
Winner: Kathleen Gaffney for "Garden of Bones"
Honorable mention: Benn Delisle for "Free at the Bottom"

The Mathom Fiction Award
Winner: Mary Katherine A. Moylan for "Midwinter"
Honorable mention: Kathleen Gaffney for "Forest Walk"

The Rosalie Battles Creative Nonfiction Award 
Winner: Alex Borowsky for "Playing God"
Honorable metion: Lauren Robinson for "It Feels Like Summer"

The Alix Madigan-Yorkin Short Script Award
Winner: Courtney Abbe for "Modern Day Magic"
Honorable mention: Richard Bethea, Madeline Weisbeck, Alexis Rivera for "Touch"

The St. John Kincaid Screenwriting Award
Winner: Parker Lardeo for "S***, There’s My Car!"
Honorable mention: Emily O’Brien for "The Prom Plan" 

The Norma Jean Yembrick Playwriting Award
Winner: Emily Montague for "The Last Resort"

"Writing can be a lonely task, and celebrating the achievements of our writing peers is almost as good as celebrating our own," Donnelly said. "Maybe better. We're in this thing together."