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Writing Fellows are experienced teachers of academic writing who support SUNY Oswego’s Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) initiative.

WAC is designed to ensure that students have frequent opportunities to write and revise in their classes from their first year to graduation. The Writing Fellows program was established to help enhance the culture of writing on campus and assist instructors in courses that feature written work in a variety of ways.

Fellows can:

  • appear in classes to offer resources connected to writing, lead in-class writing activities, or address specific writing-related strategies
  • help departments develop writing assignments, discipline-specific writing resources, or department style guides 
  • work with faculty to compose assignments or class activities
  • work one-on-one with individual students at the request of faculty

Fellows also offer regular writing workshops, maintain an ongoing writing group for faculty and staff and coordinate initiatives connected to writing on campus.

Want to learn more? Check out the Writing Fellows website or send an email to one of the following: