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Members of the faculty willing to share their expertise are invited to submit for a TEDxSUNYOswego event this fall, with a theme of “Tomorrow’s Plan: Technology and Society.”

“This is an exciting opportunity for faculty members at SUNY Oswego,” said Fabio Machado, a strategic communication graduate student coordinating a licensed version of the popular TEDx series as his master’s degree applied project.

The planning committee is looking for “ideas worth spreading” from around the campus community for a live event on Oct. 30. 

“We are particularly interested in faculty members who are willing to share their amazing ideas regarding technology and society -- perhaps it is an amazing idea about how technology in their field will impact their field or society or how they see technology in their field impacting diversity, equity and inclusion, or something else,” Machado said. “ If they have an amazing idea related to the theme, we want to hear it!”

The committee seeks speakers who can present their expertise by sharing an amazing idea that may change the future of society, and also inspire other people around the world who will have the chance to watch their speeches.

TEDxSUNYOswego expects to have four speakers in a virtual event format, with each speaker providing a talk between four and 18 minutes. The speeches will be recorded in advance of the live event.

The Oct. 30 live event, which is limited to 100 participants/audience members, will include the four speakers and a live Q&A with the speakers.

“We know there are faculty members in every department who may have an idea worth spreading that could change people’s lives for the better,” Machado said.

Any faculty member who would like to submit for consideration can pitch their idea through the online submission form.

For other questions or more information, email