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Meet -- Google’s video-conferencing tool available in the SUNY Oswego LakerApps suite of applications -- will see some changes starting Oct. 1, including participant limits and changes to live streaming, although its recording feature will continue.

 In March, Google made certain premium features of Google Meet available to all their education customers for free. This included the ability to record live meetings which were then autosaved to Google Drive, host up to 250 participants in a single meeting and livestream up to 100K within the Oswego domain. 

Effective Oct. 1, the 250-participant limit and live streaming features will no longer be available.  Participation limits will be capped back to 100 and there will be no live streaming. If you schedule Google Meets with a class that is greater than 100 students, you may switch over to using SUNY Oswego’s instance of Zoom which allows up to 300 participants. Please review any meetings scheduled for Oct. 1 or beyond and plan accordingly.

The recording feature will continue to be available until Google adds basic recording features into the non-premium version of Google Meet. At this time, it is unknown when this will be. Campus Technology Services will communicate with the campus when more information is available.