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As each member of the campus community continues to play a key role in helping SUNY Oswego flatten the curve and slow the spread of COVID-19, we want to ensure that we are doing everything to remain healthy for the rest of the semester. As we pledged to do when we returned to campus this fall, students, faculty and staff are expected to take their respective health screen each and every day they plan to be on campus. 

The employee daily health screen is a web page that can be accessed on a PC or a mobile app. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that their staff complete the form. 

The student daily health screen is an application inside Medicat. Faculty who hold face to face classes and staff who employee students may ask students to show the results of their screening when class starts or a student shows up for work. 

The student daily health screen is sometimes called the red dot/green dot app, because when a student completes it they are presented with a green dot if their responses indicate they are healthy, and a red dot if they are experiencing symptoms. Students with a red dot should not come to campus or class, and should contact Health Services at 315-312-4100.

Thank you for your collective efforts and commitment to the health and safety of the Oswego community. Together, we must continue to do our part in keeping SUNY Oswego safe.