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The Writers Speak! Fall 2020 Lecture Series returns with School of Education professor Barbara Beyerbach discuss "Writing as a Mindfulness Practice" from 12:45 to 1:40 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 21. 

The event is open to all members of the SUNY Oswego community. 

Beyerbach has been a faculty member in SUNY Oswego’s curriculum and instruction department since 1987, and before that was an elementary teacher who taught preschool, kindergarten, fifth grade and sixth grade.

Also a certified yoga teacher, Beyerbach teaches EDU 198: "Mindful Living through Yoga," and EDU 380: "Culturally Relevant Teaching," as well as supervising student teachers.

For 30 years she co-directed Project SMART (Student-Centered, Multicultural, Active, Real-World Teaching), a statewide teacher professional development project to transform educational institutions K-16 through social justice pedagogy. Beyerbach has visited India to explore the roots of yoga and worked with area schools to bring mindfulness practices to teachers and children.

She has coordinated the Professional Development Schools (PDS) initiative at SUNY Oswego and served as a PDS liaison at Lanigan Elementary. She has walked the Camino de Santiago and has visited and worked with schools in Benin, China, Mexico, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Costa Rica and India. Along with co-authors R. Deborah Davis and Tania Ramalho, Beyerbach most recently published the second edition of the edited volume, "Activist Art in Social Justice Pedagogy" (Beyerbach, B., Davis R. D, & Ramalho, T., 2017, Peter Lang Publishing).

The talk will be held on zoom at the following link and passcode:
Meeting ID: 993 9192 5658
Passcode: WS!
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+16465588656,,99391925658# US (New York)