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With the fall semester's face-to-face classes wrapping up on Wednesday, Nov. 25, the Sustainability Office and the Office of Environmental Health and Safety remind the campus community to power down before ceasing 2020 activities. 

Powering down before you go:

  • Turn off power strips and unplug any electronics plugged directly into the wall. Many devices use electricity even when “turned off,” including TVs, printers, chargers, copiers, coffee makers, microwaves, lamps and space heaters.
  • Shutdown and unplug computers.
  • Switch off all lights.
  • Shut all windows and shades.

Lab energy ramp down checklist

This resource was created during the COVID-19 crisis to assist lab managers in quickly identifying energy-saving measures during a reduced research schedule. Use this checklist to quickly ramp down energy use during reduced research schedules.

To get started, make a checklist of equipment that can be temporarily "decommissioned" including computers, equipment, refrigerators, freezers, and fume hoods.  Use post-it notes to quickly canvas your lab space and identify items that can be powered down to save energy. Contact lab support in your department for help in assisting in instrumentation shut down.  

  • Turn off/unplug lab equipment: Disconnect unused equipment to reduce electrical plug load.   
  • Turn off/unplug computers, printers, and copiers:  Disconnect unused equipment to reduce electrical plug load. Prior to unplugging computers, follow the proper shutdown commands.  
  • Turn off/unplug hot plates and ovens: Disconnect unused equipment to reduce electrical plug load.         
  • Consolidate materials, turn off unneeded deep freezers and refrigerators: Consolidate materials to maintain samples more efficiently.
  • Ensure appropriate refrigeration temperatures: Set temperatures at appropriate levels instead of the lowest possible temp.
  • Identify fume hoods for hibernation and consult with the chemical hygiene officer: Hibernating fume hoods is one of the top ways to reduce energy use (see checklist below).
  • Shut fume hood sashes: For all fume hoods which will not be hibernated. 
  • Every three months, an open fume hood uses approximately one home’s annual energy use.
  • Turn off all lights including those in fume hoods: Ensure all lab lighting is turned off before leaving spaces. 
  • Shut down display cases: Disconnect unused equipment to reduce electrical plug load.
  • Connect essential equipment to red outlets: This will ensure that there is power to essential equipment even in the case of a power outage. 
  • Close all interior and exterior doors
  • Completely close fume hood sashes in labs. Fume hoods are responsible for a significant percentage of building energy use on campus.
  • Report facilities issues like leaky faucets, running toilets, overly hot or cold rooms. Questions? Contact:
  • Remind colleagues and students to take these actions before they leave, too.

Collective actions help the campus run efficiently in a reduced capacity. Have questions? Please contact Kate Spector, campus sustainability manager:

Hibernating lab fume hoods

Any fume hood not in use for six weeks or more is a candidate for hibernation. 

  • All flammable chemicals in storage cabinets must be tightly sealed. No broken caps, leaking, or incompatible chemicals stored near each other. Only small quantities of corrosive chemicals in ventilated cabinets can be stored. Direct questions about chemical storage and use to the Environmental Health and Safety Office.  
  • Shut the sash completely on all fume hoods not hibernated.

Initiate a service request

Lab support technicians must inform the chemical hygiene officer that they have fume hoods that are candidates for hibernation. 

  • The chemical hygiene officer will inspect the fume hood, consult with the utility manager, and submit a service request for hibernation through iService Request.
  • Lab support technicians should mark fume hoods for hibernation with a post-it note or sign to help staff quickly complete the request.   

Resuming activities

Lab support technicians should consult with the chemical hygiene officer to issue a service request to have the hood “un-hibernated.”