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Do you know an exceptional SUNY Oswego alum who deserves to be recognized?

Nominate outstanding alumni for an Oswego Alumni Association award. All nominations are due by Dec. 1 to be considered for the next cycle. Nominate today at

There are several categories for which your nominee could be considered (supporting documentation is required by Jan. 1, following initial nomination):

  • Distinguished Alumnus/Alumna Award –- the Alumni Association’s most prestigious award, honoring alumni who have achieved national or international recognition in their field.
  • Alumni Impact Award –- honors alumni who have made significant contributions to advance the college, the Oswego Alumni Association and/or SUNY Oswego students.
  • Lifetime Award of Merit –- honors alumni who have demonstrated a lifetime of both professional and civic leadership.
  • Community Service Award –- honors alumni for their outstanding achievement in service to their local, national or global community.
  • GOLD Award –- awarded to Graduates Of the Last Decade (GOLD) who have achieved career success and demonstrated significant volunteer service to their communities and/or the Oswego Alumni Association Inc. or the college.

For questions about the nomination process, contact or call 315-312-2258.