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The fall 2020 round of the Student Scholarly and Creative Activity Grant application/review process has concluded, with six proposals approved for a combined total of nearly $5,900 in funding. Members of the Student Subcommittee of the Scholarly and Creative Activity Committee reviewed all the proposals and ultimately approved the following for funding via Provost Scott Furlong:
Using automated recording units to study Northern Cardinal vocal behavior
Student: Brooke Goodman
Sponsor: Daniel Baldassarre, biological sciences 

The Power of Ancestral Archetypes
Student: Sofia Pérez
Sponsor: Christopher McAvoy, art

Captured Moments: an alla prima painting series
Student: Sophie Infarinato
Sponsor: Christopher McAvoy, art 

Pets and Mental Health: Exploration of Perceived Social Support
Student: Hannah Hertik
Sponsor: Mamta Saxena, human development 

Optimizing the detection of a low-density terrestrial mammal via aquatic environmental DNA sampling methods
Student: Caroline Sheldon
Sponsor: Nicholas Sard, biological sciences

Characterizing and Understanding Cloud Streets in Arctic Cold Air Outbreaks
Student: Madeleine Crean
Sponsor: Yonggang Wang, atmospheric and geological sciences
For more information on grants to support research and creative activity, visit the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs website.