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In response to an emphasis placed on online learning caused by COVID-19, Artswego created a new funding opportunity that encourages and supports virtual arts experiences (in physical and virtual classroom spaces) that enhance the cultural environment of the college and augment academic offerings.

This specific fund will directly support the cost of hiring arts professionals to conduct virtual class meetings, lectures, workshops, masterclasses, demonstrations and related activities. Artswego encourages faculty and staff from across campus to think creatively about the ways arts professionals can enhance curriculum and offer unique perspectives to a variety of topics and subject matters. Projects that include crossdiscipline (cross-course) collaborations (for example, connecting with a colleague in another section/course whose students might also benefit from the experience) are of particular interest.

The application process is intentionally designed to be simple with a quick response time. Applicants can apply for up to $500 for expenses directly associated with hiring arts professionals and arranging virtual engagements. Priority will be given to first-time applicants.

There is no deadline, and applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Applicants will be notified of awards within one week of submission. Funded programs will be required to complete a Summary Report within 30 days after the completion of the funded program.

Note: Artswego cannot directly pay artists from other countries. An exception can be made if the artist is represented by an agency that resides in the U.S.

You can download the application (PDF) or visit Artswego's funding opportunties web page for more information on this and other supporting programs.

About Artswego

Artswego is the primary source of support on the SUNY Oswego campus for programs and special current projects that complement the educational mission of the college through residencies, exhibits and other forms of engagement with arts professionals. Examples include the Artswego Performing Arts Series, Ke-nekt' Chamber Music Series, Living Writers Series, Visiting Artist Program and Tyler Art Gallery exhibits. Resources for these activities come from the voluntary student arts fee, and contributions by faculty, staff and community supporters.

Artswego-supported activities serve all members of the campus and wider community. Specific projects in the arts often receive additional support from local and regional arts agencies, businesses and private foundations. Funding recommendations are the responsibility of the Arts Programming Board, a diverse committee with faculty, staff and student representation.