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With the spring semester about to blossom, the college welcomes submissions for upcoming events via the Localist calendar system.

Event submissions are invited for any event (virtual or in-person) hosted by a campus office, department, program or student organization, for activities open for attendance by the campus community and/or general public.

The Office of Communications and Marketing has added suggestions on creating an effective event submssion, noting the best events find a kind of Goldilocks zone with their copy: not too much and not too little.

When crafting copy, submitters should think about the 5Ws+H (who appears in and presents the program, what it is/what attendees can expect, when and where the events take place, why it's worth attending and how one signs up or attends). Too little information can leave readers uninterested, while too much information and filler content can be a turnoff as well.

Posting a simple, interesting visual can also help events succeed. Photos of speakers or showing a previous iteration of the event are ideal. Inserting an event flyer is less successful: These tend harder to read (many people access the calendar via mobile device) and do not support digital accessibility. For those who don't have an image to accompany their event, the Localist system offers many campus-based options (including dozens of new ones) from which users can select.

The Laker Itinerary in the daily Oswego Today emails has evolved into an effective tool to promote outstanding campus events as well as a sense of community.

Anybody with questions about submitting for the calendar or how to better promote their events can email Tim Nekritz, director of news and media, via