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In their continuing mission to add services and support groups to address a variety of needs in the campus community, the Counseling Services Center has added the following weekly group meetings to their schedule.

Strive to Thrive: Sexual Assault Support
Counselor-facilitated support group for students who have experienced abuse and/or assault. Ideal for students who have had previous counseling however with a pre-screen others may attend.
Time: Wednesdays 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., beginning March 11
Please contact Jane LeBlanc at 315-312-4416 or at to sign up, set up a pre-screening or to gather more information.

RIO: Recognition, Insight and Openness
This three-week, one-hour-per-week psycho-educational group will assist you in figuring out what it is you wish to change and how to get there. Ideal for students not yet willing to commit to therapy but who would like a boost of motivation with some direction. Focus is on emotional concerns with a bit of homework required. Attendees must attend all three sessions.
Time: Wednesdays at noon or Thursdays at 3:30 p.m., beginning March 10/11 with enough participants.
Please contact the Counseling Services Center if interested at 315-312-4416 or at

The Body Project
This four-session, one-hour psycho-educational group is a dissonance-based body acceptance program designed to help the college-age, identified female individuals resist cultural pressures to conform to the appearance ideal standard of beauty and to reduce their pursuit of unrealistic bodies. Attenddes must attend all sessions, download a workbook and commit to easy reflective homework.
Time: Fridays at noon (bring your lunch if you wish), beginning March 12.
Please contact the Counseling Services Center if interested at 315-312-4416 or at

To learn about ongoing groups including Trans-support, COVID Connection, Grief Support and Embracing You, visit the Counseling Services Center website.