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October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month, and Campus Technology Services would like to remind you of the importance of your online security. 

Two-factor authentication is an additional measure used at login to prevent unauthorized access to your accounts. Popular companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon and banks offer this service. Essentially, you provide two pieces of information in order to gain access to your account. These two pieces of information are typically your username and password and a verification code sent to your cell phone. 

You must first successfully authenticate with your username and password. Then a verification code will be sent to your mobile phone. You must then enter the code on the site to gain access. This prevents people who might have stolen your password from getting into your account. 

CTTS highly recommends setting this up for any email accounts you have as well as any financial accounts.


At SUNY Oswego, two-factor authentication can be used with LakerApps Gmail.  To set it up, click the “Get Started” button at the bottom of Google’s Two-Step Verification page. For more information about Two Factor Authentication, visit our related page on our Cybersecurity site.