Junior graphic design major Ashley Budd, who also interns in the Sustainability Office, talks about amazing faculty, opportunities and spaces that showed Oswego was the right choice for her -- and with its bright future in Hewitt, many more students. Thanks to the mentorship of art faculty member Amy Bartell, a variety of work opportunities, campus involvement and more, Budd has blossomed during her time with Oswego.
Q. What made you interested in SUNY Oswego?
A. Oswego stuck out to me because of the art program and how big and how many classes there are. And I visited Tyler and it was newly renovated at the time. And I was just amazed by all the different studios that there were the 2D studios, the 3D studios, even the labs where I primarily work everything was all brand new and everything just looked like a community to me. And I looked at some other student works and I was just amazed by what they were doing, and I felt like that was something that I wanted to do. So it just felt like it was somewhere that I would belong.
Q. What do you think about our faculty?
A. The faculty in the art program, they're more amazing that I can even describe. There are just so many faculty members that just want to help you. They want to help students to be successful. They give you opportunities. Everyone's always so present and there for you. It's just feels like a community.
Q. Can you tell us about your internship with the Sustainability Office?
As the graphic design intern, I am in charge of making posters for upcoming events and activities for students to see around campus. I help make apparel. I work on the website and I help a little bit with the social media posting. I'm also a part of the many initiatives that they have going such as the campus composting, the Seed Share, the garden on campus, fall fest, the thrift sales. I'm also learning about all of those things and getting to experience all of it, which just gives me a great feeling that I'm really giving back to my campus community.
Q. What other internships have you had?
A. For the past two consecutive summers, I've had an internship with a graphic designer who is actually an alum from this college. She has her own freelance business currently and she also works for a digital marketing company. So with those internships, I really got the experience of working with actual clients and in the real graphic design world.
Q. What do you think about the graphic design program moving into Hewitt after the extensive renovations?
A. I'm really excited to see what it looks like, although I won't get to be here. I'm just thinking about all of the different opportunities that the Tyler renovation gave for students. And I can only imagine how many different opportunities the new Hewit building will give to students. And for that, I'm really excited for the future students.
Q. What about your own future plans?
A. I've thought a lot about the future. And I think that a lot of my skills and everything that I've learned here at Oswego is really prepared me for when I graduate although I'm not graduating yet, but I feel like I've learned a wide range of art skills that I feel like I could potentially go into any design related job when I graduate.