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Passwords are no longer considered to be the most secure way to protect digital data and services. Instead, many organizations are adding a second layer of security in addition to a password. Often this layer involves using something that a user physically has such as a smartphone or hardware token. An example of this is online banking where you can have a code sent to your cell phone. This is called multi-factor authentication (MFA) and it is coming to  SUNY Oswego.

On March 14, employees and students can opt-in to MFA by setting up their second layer of authentication. Due to its high security, the Microsoft Authenticator app is recommended for those that have smartphones. Additional methods include texting a code to your smartphone or receiving a call with the code to your cell phone, office phone, or an alternative phone. 

Once opted-in, logins to Blackboard, Zoom, Office 365, Adobe, Library databases and Spectrum U will require multi-factor authentication with more services being added in later months. You’ll access the services as normal, enter your password, then be prompted for the second layer of authentication. Once MFA has been completed, you will then have access to the service.  

Multi-factor authentication will become mandatory to specific campus populations according to the following schedule. If you do not opt-in before those dates, you will be prompted to do so once you access one of the above services. This could happen at an inconvenient moment, so CTS highly recommends you opt-in ahead of time. Please allow 5 to 10 minutes to configure MFA.

  • April 4, 8 a.m.: Employees
  • April 11, 8 a.m.: Residential students
  • April 18, 8 a.m.: Non-residential students

Please note that accessing the above services on classroom podium computers will be exempt from MFA for the remainder of the spring semester while the campus transitions. Otherwise, MFA will be required whether on-campus or off-campus no matter what computer you use.

Additional information including instructions for opting-in will be forthcoming in a campus email on March 14. You can also visit the MFA website for additional details.