Get Yourself Tested (GYT), an empowering campaign to encourage people to get tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), is returning in person from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, April 13, at Health Services in Mary Walker Health Center.
The GYT event will provide students convenient screening tests for some of the most common STIs (chlamydia and gonorrhea) without an appointment with a medical provider.
Pre-registration is not required. The first 50 students to attend the event will be able to get testing for free (one site); afterward, testing will be provided at a reduced price of $58. Results will be sent to you by secure messaging on your health portal.
Sponsors at the event handing out sexual health information, games and giveaways will include Oswego County Opportunities, The Sexperts, Title IX, and the Queer and Trans Outreach Center.
For more information, visit the Health Center's Get Yourself Tested website.