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As we approach the end of the fiscal year, I would like to remind you of some important information and transactional deadlines that are approaching:

  • All requisitions/purchase orders must be received in the Purchasing Office by close of business on Monday, June 20, 2022 for any/all activity related to 2021-22. This relates to any new orders for goods/services using 2021-22 funding.  Please note, all goods/services for these orders must be received by Aug. 15, 2022.

  • All confirming orders for goods/services already received or received by June 30, 2022, must be sent to Purchasing no later than close of business on July 18 for payment using 2021-22 funding.

  • All requests for travel or reimbursement for any/all travel that ended June 30 or prior must be received by the Travel/Finance office no later than close of business on July 31, 2021 (30-day rule applies) for reimbursement. There is no exception to this date regardless of the funding source of the payment – State, IFR (Income Fund Reimbursable), DIFR (Dormitory Income Fund Reimbursable), SUTRA (State University Tuition Reimbursement Account) or any grant awards.

  • All payments to encumbered purchase orders or contracts will be made by close of business on August 15, 2022. Our staff will be in communication with departments that currently have outstanding orders to ensure correct delivery of goods/services and that a proper invoice is received. Kindly respond promptly to any requests from our office for information related to outstanding orders as it assists us greatly with year-end closure.

  • P-cards will continue to be active throughout the year end process, however, posted transactions that occur from July 1 to 6, 2022, will be charged to fiscal year 2021-22. If a vendor has not processed and posted the transaction by July 6, the transaction will go into new year funding. Please be mindful of ordering any items during the July 1 to 6, 2022 time frame as they will indeed post against 2021-22 funds and there is no provision nor opportunity to change the fiscal year in which they are charged. 

  • SUNY FMS (web portal for requisitions/purchase orders/visa certification) will be unavailable from June 30, 2022 to July 5, 2022 (estimated) for year-end close and processing. We will let you know if any systems are available sooner than expected.

As always, we appreciate all your help during our year-end close and please be in touch with any questions or concerns by using the following departmental email address:

Becky Waters
Assistant Vice President for Financial Operations