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Online security continues to be very important as people interact more online in our professional and personal lives. National Cybersecurity Awareness Month in October helps educate people on everyday things that could help make online data more secure as well as shedding light on potential threats that many may not know about.

Everybody doing their part to be informed about good cybersecurity practices can create a more secure and safe online environment.

This year Campus Technology Services (CTS) will provide security information every week centered around specific subjects. CTS hopes you find this information both useful and informative.

Weekly subjects are:

  • Week 1: Phishing: How to spot a fraudulent email and what to do if you are sent one.
  • Week 2: Multi Factor Authentication: How to protect your accounts and be safe doing so.
  • Week 3: Mobile Computing: How to protect your mobile devices and good public work habits.
  • Week 4: The Cloud, Your Data, And You: How to backup and protect your data with cloud storage.

For more information on these topics, visit the CTS Cybersecurity page.