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Please join us in celebrating the retirement of Angela Galvin. A small reception will be held on Wednesday Oct. 19, in 705 Culkin Hall from 1 to 3 p.m.  

Galvin’s career at SUNY Oswego has spanned more than 42 years. In 1980, she joined SUNY Oswego as a department secretary in the Anthropology/Sociology office.  Following her time in Academic Affairs, she moved to Intercollegiate Athletics and Extended Learning before landing in the Vice President for Administration & Finance office as the Assistant to the Vice President in July 2017, her final position before retirement.  

A dedicated professional, a caring co-worker and detail-oriented employee are just some of the ways to describe Angela throughout her stellar career at Oswego. In 2016, Angela received the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Classified Service, a true testament to her character and work ethic supporting our campus in many ways.  

Angela serves on the campus-wide SEFA Campaign committee, most recently as the co-chair until August 2022 and is active in the many fundraising efforts across campus.  

Please join me in wishing Angela a wonderful retirement and a hearty thank you for the many years of service, dedication and contributions to our entire campus community.  

Victoria L. Furlong
Vice President for Administration & Finance