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The college's 16th annual SUNY Oswego Global Awareness Conference seeks presenters for breakout sessions during the event, Nov. 1 and 2.

The theme of this year’s conference is Ghana, as the conference will feature a keynote speaker, musical performance, a conference dinner celebrating Ghanaian culture and presentations from Oswego students, alumni, faculty and staff. Although the conference theme is Ghana, organizers welcome members of the Oswego community to present on any topic of a non-western, global nature.

Organizers invite 100-to-200-word abstracts for 30-to-60-minute sessions in which speakers present material on any topic of a global nature. Time for questions and responses will be included in these 30-to-60-minute sessions.

Those interested should include in your email of the abstract: (a) information about your affiliation with SUNY Oswego (e.g., first-year undergraduate), (b) the title of your presentation, (c) its relation to a non-western culture and (d) whether your session will be 30 or 60 minutes in length.

Deadline for submission of abstracts is Oct. 21, will email submissions to

If you have any questions about the submission process or the conference, please contact Jared Peterson at