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The campus and community are invited to check out some research tools firsthand and learn more about SUNY Oswego's Lake-Effect Electrification (LEE) project funded by the National Science Foundation during a public open house from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 5.

The open house will feature the Doppler on Wheels –- a state-of-the-art mobile radar truck –- as well as lightning sensors, advanced instrumentation and more. The event will take place in the parking lot next to the Shineman Center on the SUNY Oswego campus along George Washington Boulevard, and all are welcome.

The research will study the impact of lake-effect lightning on wind turbine farms near Lake Ontario and provide hands-on opportunities for 22 SUNY Oswego students. Oswego faculty members and students will be on hand to discuss this project and other research.

For more information about the open house, email meteorology faculty member Scott Steiger,