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Alternative Spring Break service programs for students return in March 2023, and organizers are looking a faculty or staff member to accompany one project in partnership with the American Hiking Society.

SUNY Oswego will take eight students to the to Allegheny National Forest from March 12 to 18, and needs a second faculty or staff sponsor. Faculty and staff participants will be asked to drive the students to the work site in a school-provided van each day of the week of Spring Break. 
American Hiking Society’s Alternative Breaks are volunteer trail stewardship projects in America’s parks and forests. These breaks aim to combine day hiking, trail work, exploration, crew camaraderie and outdoor fun.

Participants would leave the morning or afternoon of March 12 and drive to Pennsylvania. The students and sponsors will stay in cabins, provided by American Hiking Society, about 20 minutes from the work site they will drive to and from each day of the work week. The sponsor also will drive back on March 18 to SUNY Oswego.

In addition to this project, Alternative Spring Break sites will include Campus Pride in Charlotte, North Carolina, which serves LGBTQ+ and ally student leaders and campus organizations. This program has sufficient faculty and/or staff sponsorship.

Visit the American Hiking Alternative Spring Break website for more information. Contact Kelsey Jones,, if interested in taking on this role.