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SUNY Oswego's Office of Facilities Services works to ensure campus roadways and walkways are clear and safe throughout the winter season. In an effort to support green campus operations, the university has adopted a liquid non-chloride de-icer around building entranceways.  

Many safety and environmental benefits come along with this switch away from chloride-based granules. In particular, this liquid de-icer won’t dehydrate soil and vegetation, poses no health risk to humans or pets (when used as directed) and is the only Green Seal Certified ice melt on the market. In addition, this new product is noncorrosive on flooring, finishes and doors and will lessen the wear and tear on building entrance ways and custodial equipment.  

Campus members may notice this change in operations as they come and go throughout campus buildings this winter. As winter weather arrives, pathways treated with this new liquid de-icer may appear wet (and free of salt granules). Despite their wet appearance, these pathways should be safe to use -- although caution is always encouraged.