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The 15th annual Sportsmanship Day Symposium on Thursday, March 2, will feature faculty, students and staff presenting on a wide variety of topics, and even a musical performance.

Co-sponsored by SUNY Oswego's sports studies program and the Sociology Department, the symposium will take place from 2:20 to 5:15 p.m. Participants give approximately 12-minute presentations on a story/event that involves sportsmanship, whether good or poor.

Planned schedule is as follows:

2:20 – 3:40:

  • Tim Delaney               "Welcome to the 15th Annual Sportsmanship Day Symposium"
  • Tim Delaney               "Sportsmanship Overcomes Near Tragedy"
  • Jackson Denue            "Sportsmanship in Australia"
  • Carli Barry                  "Hustle Culture"
  • Tyrese Fitzalbert-       "Toxic Masculinity and Sportsmanship"
  • Stephen Wurst,           "I Went to a Sportspersonship Day Symposium…And an Open
    Tim Nekritz and          Mic Broke Out"
    Ranjit Dighe  

3:55 – 5:15:                 

  • Tim Madigan              "Is Basking in Another's Failure Poor Sportsmanship?"
  • Cody Adair                 "It's Robot 'Fighting' Time!: Combat and Breaking the Spirit of Rules"
  • Eve Clark                    "FIFA World Cup: Where is Fair-Play in an 'Iron Fist' Arena?"     
  • Bryan Santiago           "Sportsmanship and Stoke Mandeville: The History of Goodwill at the Paralympic Games"
  • Chris Mack                 "Russia, the IOC, and the Paris Olympics 2014: What is Fair?"

"Sportsmanship is really about civil behavior, so any behavior that displays good character or poor character could be a topic to fall within the realm of the parameters of the symposium," said sociology professor Tim Delaney, who founded the conference at SUNY Oswego and continues to organize it.

For more information, email Delaney via