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With the purpose of inspiring students to make sustainable change within the campus community, the Office of Sustainability will provide up to $400 in funding for registered SUNY Oswego student organizations to create their own unique Earth Month event or initiative.

These events and/or initiatives can take place any day throughout the month of April and all registered student organizations are encouraged to apply. By being mindful of the sustainable objectives, the products and materials used, and what they hope participants will gain, organizations will be able to help implement the global Sustainable Development Goals within SUNY Oswego.

These goals encompass a mass effort in protecting the planet, ending poverty and inequality, and ensuring that all people enjoy health, justice and prosperity. Organizations will be asked to select what goals that they feel passionate about and would like to champion their event or activity around to help celebrate Earth Month.

For more information, read the Earth Month Funding Application and apply for funding through the linked Google Form! The deadline to apply for funding is March 21.