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SUNY Oswego is pleased to announce the 2023 Benjamin and David Scharps Legal Essay Competition. This competition is open to juniors and seniors at state-operated campuses who are interested in legal issues or are interested in pursuing a career in the legal field. A first and second-place winner is selected. One award of $1,500 will be presented to the student who has written the best essay describing the role and relevance of law in dealing with the current legal issue; a $1,000 award will be presented to the runner-up. The topic for this year’s essay competition is The Planet Protectors Protest.

Each SUNY campus may submit up to three entries for consideration to the SUNY Office of University Life in consultation with the Selection Committee. Interested applicants should submit a 2,000-word essay to Dr. Celinet Duran ( no later than March 26, 2023. Submissions are to be sent in standard essay format, with no pictures or illustrations. Please view the PDF icon Scharps Memorial Legal Essay Competition application for more information on this year's topic, preferred essay format, and submission details. All majors are eligible to apply.

 If you have any questions, please contact me at before the essay deadline. Good luck, and Go Oz!


Celinet Duran Jimenez, Ph.D.
Department of Criminal Justice, Assistant Professor