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To our Campus Partners, 

As we welcome students, staff, and faculty back to campus, we are pleased to share our recently updated Facilities Use Policy

Revisions to this policy were made  to streamline our processes regarding the use of University Facilities, while minimizing scheduling conflicts, and establishing consistent fees and required contracts. Additionally,  the policy was created to provide designated liaisons for both internal and external users to aid them in the scheduling of University facilities and optimize their appropriate use. 

As outlined in the policy, the Registrar’s Office continues to be responsible for scheduling University facilities for all academic classes. All requests for the use of University facilities by internal users, external (third-party) users, for class-related activities, and for sponsored events should be directed to Campus Events and Conference Services via the EMS WebApp at   

Campus Events and Conference Services will review each request and will approve or deny the request with cause. If approved, Campus Events and Conference Services will coordinate the logistics of the event, including the issuance of a Revocable Permit for external organizations and the scheduling of required facilities and services.  

For additional information, please visit our website at Campus Events and Conference Services or contact Lisa Bramley, Director of Campus Events and Conference Services at  

My team and I look forward to working with you soon! 

Lisa Bramley
Director, Campus Events and Conference Services