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As we embrace the rich cultures that make up our campus, we are excited to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. This month-long celebration offers a unique opportunity to honor and explore the vibrant traditions, history and contributions of Hispanic and Latinx communities in the United States.

What is Hispanic Heritage Month?

Hispanic Heritage Month originated as a week-long observance in 1968 and was later expanded to a month-long celebration in 1988. The starting date, Sept. 15, was chosen to coincide with the independence days of several Latin American countries, including Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Mexico and Chile also celebrate their independence during this period.

Get involved and celebrate

We encourage our college community to engage in the festivities and activities that been have planned for Hispanic Heritage Month, including:

Watch future editions of Oswego Today for more information on these events. Also, watch for flyers and other details on events from the Modern Languages and Literatures Department as well as the Latino and Latin American studies program.

To stay updated on all the exciting events and opportunities throughout Hispanic Heritage Month, please visit the SUNY Oswego Events Calendar or follow The Triandiflou Institute on Instagram @OzInstitute

We encourage all students, faculty, and staff to actively participate and celebrate the richness of Hispanic and Latinx culture during this month. Whether you are a member of these communities or simply interested in learning more, your involvement is vital in creating an inclusive and diverse campus environment.

Thank you for joining us in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month!

Are you open to collaborating with The Institute on cultural, religious, or identity-based observances? Please fill out this form.

-- Submitted by the Triandiflou Institute for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Transformative Practice